White poppies (not gloves)

There is a vogue for knitting or crocheting the red poppy that is worn in the UK to commemorate those who died in the First and Second world wars, and those since. Patterns are available  like this one:


and now there are patterns for wreaths as well:

How to make a knitted or crochet poppy and wreath

I used to find it hard not to wear a red poppy as it seems disrespectful to those who died but at the same time I find the tone of the commemorations unacceptable – war is glorified and the reasons for it seem to be forgotten. Issues such as the global arms trade and our governments involvement do not get an airing. I have been part, shamefully small, of the peace movement over the years, demonstrations, visits to Greenham Common and so on, and I needed a way to show that. Several years ago I discovered the white poppy and for me, this an ideal way in which to acknowledge the history of wars and my position regarding them. They are made and sold by the Peace Pledge Union here where some of the arguments for the white poppy are given:

So the next move was to knit or crochet a white poppy.

Here it is:

A crocheted white poppy

A crocheted white poppy


I started with the Woman’s Weekly pattern and some scraps of 4ply wool, and made the white petals last year, ran out of time, found it a week or so ago and just finished it with some modifications making it up as I went along. It has a rather curly stem and a leaf that went a bit funny – think oak meets holly – but I think it does the job.